PortaLinks has developed a number of special applications and options necessary for telecom business and all of them are now integrated to the PortaSwitch’s environment:
- CallShop Billing Solution is an online web-application for managing callshops with unlimited number of callshops and booths with the convenient way of tracing and charging the calls. The Application can be connected to the Service Provider’s environment for providing a complete solution for resellers who manage callshops.
- Smart Routing Engine is another important and extremely valuable product of PortaLinks that can help in managing multiple interconnections with the carriers (vendors) with the best possible performance. The engine is analyzing the quality statistics of each A-Z destination from each carrier at the system and generates the optimal routing plan according to the defined terms (the terms like a balance of cost and quality are defined by the Service Provider).
- A special module for ordering the DIDs. This module is integrated to the environment and you can order the access numbers (DIDs) directly from the PortaBilling’s interface without contacting the DID provider and spending a time for negotiations and correspondence. Everything is already prepared by us!
- Payment processing module can be easily integrated to the Service Provider’s environment. This is an on-line E-commerce module for the accounts provisioning with PayPal, credit and debit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Maestro etc.). The option requires a direct deal of Service Providers with merchants as PortaLinks provides only the integration modules.
- Anti-fraud on-line monitor allows
to minimize the risk for overdraft on customer’s and/or vendor’s account provoked by any
of the following events:
- Simultaneous fraudulent calls to the Special (as Shared Cost, Premium Number, etc.) and other fraudulent (as Somalia, Sierra Leone, etc.) destinations
- Simultaneous suspicious calls to the expensive destinations
- Hidden calls to expensive destinations by modifying the called number, adding non-numeric characters to it and/or duplicated country code
- Prompt consumption of the Balance, formed as a result of fraudulent electronic payment by carrying out the above operations with calls
- Looped calls