How can I use your service?
Firstly Sign Up by filling out the application form at the page Sign Up. After the procedure has been completed, you will receive your login data (username & password) by E-mail. Go to My account page and enter your self-care area using the username & password received. When logged in you will be able to make prepayment, specify the details of your installation and schedule the date of training.
Which currencies are available for my Resellers, Customers accounts and Vendors?
Any. System supports multicurrency billing and Invoicing. Using an automated exchange rate feed from, VoIP SP allows you to base your account in any currency, and even, to select a different currency for each of your Resellers, Retail customers and Vendors
What is the difference between Reseller and Service Provider solutions?
Unlike Reseller Service Provider has the possibility to:
- Use own termination facilities with unlimited number of vendors
- Has Resellers
- Connect own network equipment (RADIUS- compliant gateways, border controllers, access servers etc.)
Can I offer volume discount plans to my Resellers and Customers?
Yes, you can.
Can I configure and use subscriptions for my Resellers and Customers?
Yes, you can.
Does system support both prepaid and postpaid business models for customer's accounts?
I have a question which is not addressed in these FAQs. How can I ask PortaLinks my question?
You can contact to our Customer care by E-mail Please don't forget to indicate your customer name or customer number.
I haven't received the E-mail confirmation with my customer's login data.
It is possible that you did not receive our E-mail due to your SPAM filters. In that case, your subscription may still have been successful. If you do not receive an E-mail from us within 1 day after subscription, please send us an E-mail by clicking on Contact Us at the bottom of the page and ask for the status of your subscription.
Can my Customers access their CDRs?
Yes. At any time customer can enter his self-care area and choose the option ‘xDR Browser’ in the Top menu.
I am a Service Provider and I have a problem. How can I report this?
Please enter your self-care area and choose the option ‘Customer service’ in the Top menu, then report your specific problem and we will look into it right away.
How long are your rates valid?
Usually our Service Provider Pricelist is valid for one year.
You can always find the current rates at the ‘Quotation’ page of our WEB site.
How do you inform me about rates changes?
Every rate change will be announced by E-mail in advance, and you will find the current pricelist at the ‘Quotation’ page of our WEB site.
Which electronic payment methods does system accept?
Available payment methods for the moment are Credit Card and PayPal. One or more payment systems may be utilized for electronic payments at the same time. In order to make use of these services, you must first register with one of the currently-supported merchants.
Do I receive an Invoice by regular mail and/or E-mail?
Invoices are sent by E-mail and not sent by regular mail. Also, you can view your Invoices and print them at any time using your self-care area.
How much does it cost?
VoIP Service Provider fees are based on billable minutes submitted to processing during a month. You can always find the current rates at the ‘Quotation’ page of our WEB site.
How long does it take to set up?
We could be proud of our rapid implementation, as we are able to activate the most part of new accounts during the same week after their ordering.
How long is the contract term?
The contract is month-to-month with no minimum commitment; you may cancel at any time without penalty.
How about tech support? Does that cost extra?
No, Tech Support is free to all within your company who have completed our training course.
Are there any hidden fees?
There are no hidden fees VoIP Service Provider. You may, however, decide to subscribe to some optional add-ons and services such as VoIP Callshop, Interconnections with vendors, etc.
How does VoIP Service Provider differ from other similar systems?
There is no similar system that could be compared with ours for the moment. Our system is absolutely unique because ONLY VoIP Service Provider:
- is the real all-in-one product which contains all components Service Provider needs to start its business
- supports full 4-tier billing scheme (Carrier > 1 > Service Provider > 2 > Reseller > 3 > Retail Customer > 4 > End-User)
- allows Service Provider to establish the direct interconnection with many different world’s leading telecommunication carriers within half an hour
- contains Anti-fraud on-line monitor feature which allows to minimize the risk for overdraft on customers and/or vendors account provoked by different types of fraud