Legal Information
Not a binding offer
Generally no element on the PortaLinks website shall constitute or be construed as a binding offer to a user of the website. If PortaLinks intends to invite a user to submit an offer or in exceptional cases make a binding offer itself via the website, it will declare its intention clearly and unambiguously. In the event of any doubt in this respect, the user must assume that PortaLinks does not intend to make a binding offer.
PortaLinks will not accept any liability for information that is retrieved via its website. The only exceptions to this are information identified by an appropriate note indicating PortaLinks’ authorship and information that clearly comes from PortaLinks. PortaLinks does not exercise any control over information that is held on external servers with public access, Usenet news servers etc. The information held on the PortaLinks website may change at any time.
PortaLinks cannot guarantee that this information is either complete or up-to-date. Use of this information is at the risk of the person visiting the web site.
PortaLinks provides no guarantee for the quality of the goods or services ordered via the PortaLinks portal, in particular with regard to accuracy, completeness, topicality, legality, expediency, availability and timely provision of information which is made available via the portal. Any liability on the part of PortaLinks is disclaimed. This applies regardless of whether PortaLinks provides the particular services itself or merely undertakes the collection of claims by third parties against the customer.
It should always be assumed that information retrieved via the PortaLinks website is protected by copyright and that its commercial use is only permitted with the consent of the author and in return for payment.